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A loss against a strong Nottingham side leads to many goodbyes from vital DUWAFC members


Starting the day with a snowfall across Durham is a rough start to the day however nothing seperates the girls from the pitch. After amazing preparation from the staff at Maiden Castle and some lucky sunshine the girls enter a perfect scene on the track pitch.

The girls are ready and the lack of our captain Freya Bailes is noticed across the changing room. However the girls step up and prepares in her absence. In fresh white kit the girls warm up in the warm March sun as Chris Sewell enters the pitch looking as smart as ever. Our goalkeepers get some top notch help in the warmup from the Durham Women's very own goalkeeper coach.

The game starts and the girls get their final words from coach Ellie Christon, today's captain Emma Wallis and scholar Tatiana Saunders. Bailes' shirt is on the bench and even though she's not there in person she's there in spirit.

The game kicks off and Nottingham are looking strong however some solid defensive works keeps us in the game. The Nottingham side is the best side we have faced all season and this game is no exception. Despite all of our efforts something is not working but the girls fight hard on the pitch and it is 0-0 at half time.

The atmosphere in the changing room at half time is low. There is a common feeling that we have more to give. The girls, Chris and Ellie all decide that this next half is ours to grab.

The girls return to the pitch and what a half this is building in to be. Confidence levels are building, passing accuracy is higher and the girls are working for each other on the pitch. The game is building but the Nottingham winger is pure speed and manages to get past us a couple of times. We concede a couple and the score is 2-0.

This fires even more in the girls. The play is just getting better and the game is building even further. After a clever strategic move to swap to a 4-3-3 instead of a 4-4-2 the squad builds even further. After some close chances and some excellent saves from the Nottingham goalkeeper the score ends 2-0 and in tears for the Durham first squad. Every single player on and off the pitch fought hard for the team and although the disappointment the girls worked for hard for each other.

This ends the Football season for the first squad and we say goodbye to some vital players for DUWAFC throughout the years.

Ellie Christon has been player, 1st team coach, S&C coach and a vital help in running the club for numerous years. From winning titles as a player she has gone on to coaching and has not disappointed. She has been essential to the whole club and we can't wait to see the great things she will go on and do going forwards in America.

Freya Bailes has been a deserved scholar for four years, the 1s captain for three years, treasurer for one and vital for our recruitment process in the past years. Although not present during the semi-final this week she is the most important player on the team and we all congratulate her as she is going to do great things in her new job.

More finalists include Tatiana Saunders, Kierra Krawec, Miya Nishibun, Lucy Jamieson, Brooke Mackain, Nancy Hughes and Vilde Ringstad who has all played their last games of football for DUWAFC but there is no doubt that each and every one will do great things and the whole club thank you all for the efforts you have put into the club.

We put the football season behind us and look forward to the final stages of the futsal season starting with the north-east derby against Northumbria on Saturday 11AM at Maiden Castle. Get down and support the girls and to see the final performances from some of our mentioned finalists.

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